Thursday, May 5, 2016

Scorpions Are Out Early in Arizona

Living in the desert has many advantages such as the dry climate, the warm weather and the ability to schedule outdoor activities for any time of the year. But the desert is also a place where dangerous critters live, and one of the more dangerous bugs in the Phoenix area is the Arizona bark scorpion. Contrary to popular belief, the developed areas of Arizona are not teeming with bark scorpions ready to lash out at humans. But there are facts people should be aware of that will help them to avoid bark scorpions, or react properly when they are stung.

Why Are Scorpions More Active This Year?

The exterminator Phoenix AZ people rely on to handle the scorpion problem has been busy this year for two reasons. There has been a great deal of development around the Phoenix area, and bark scorpions tend to migrate into residential areas when their habitats have been disturbed. The other reason for an increase in scorpion activity is the warm January followed up by the damp February. Bark scorpions are more active in warm and humid weather, and the short winter has them out in force this year.

Some Information About The Arizona Bark Scorpion

While the Arizona bark scorpion is one of the more dangerous bugs in the Phoenix area, it is also one of the smallest. Adult bark scorpions grow to be between 1 1/2-inches to 2-inches in length. They are a light brown color, which allows them to hide easily in the desert sand. They feed at night, and they are extremely aggressive hunters. They generally eat spiders and smaller bugs, but they will sting a human if they are provoked.

Bark scorpions generally hide in dark and damp areas, which make them difficult to see. Most people get stung when reaching for something such as the covers for their bed when they are settling down for the night, or when they try to put their shoes on in the morning. Bark scorpions tend to travel in packs, so your infestation may consist of more than the scorpion that stung you.

The venom from a bark scorpion creates pain and discomfort in a healthy adult, but it could be much more harmful to small children or the elderly. Some of the common results of bark scorpion stings in babies and the elderly include breathing issues, frothing at the mouth and swelling at the site of the sting.

What To Do If You Are Stung By A Bark Scorpion

The scorpion control Phoenix residents need when they are stung by a bark scorpion can be found at any local hospital. If the victim is very young or very old, then get them to the closest hospital as soon as possible. Healthy adults should clean the area of the sting with soap and water, and then apply a cold compress to the affected area on and off for 10 minutes at a time.

If you are stung on the arm or leg, then be sure to put the appendage in a comfortable and raised position. You can use over-the-counter medication to treat any effects of the sting such as pain or swelling. Once you have stabilized the victim, then call a local hospital to see if the doctor or nurse on-call thinks that the victim should be take to the hospital for emergency care.

Protecting Your Home Or Business From Bark Scorpions

The first thing anyone should do when faced with a bark scorpion infestation is to call on a professional organization such as Sexton Pest Control. Bark scorpions are not affected by the same chemicals that will help to remove other pests. An exterminating expert will be able to not only determine the source of the infestation, but give you the tools you need to take care of the problem.

Protecting your home or business from scorpions is a matter of taking away any of their points of entry. Examine the caulk and frames around your windows and doors, and fill in any areas that are open. Be sure to put screens on your windows if you intend to open them during the day or night, and avoid putting pet doors in your exterior doors. Those pet doors will let Fido come in for the night, but they will also allow easy access for scorpions.

Protecting You And Your Family From Bark Scorpions

Bark scorpions tend to be attracted to homes with water, shelter and food. You can bring in an exterminator to get rid of any spider or bug infestations you may have that would attract scorpions, and you should also have all of your pipes examined for leaks. If you have a leaky roof, then get it fixed immediately.

Before you go to bed at night, check the covers for scorpions. If you reach in to pull back your covers without looking, then you could be stung. Before you put your shoes on in the morning, always check them for scorpions. You need to get your children into the habit of checking for scorpions, and you should take extra precautions when putting the baby to bed at night.

Bark scorpions cannot climb on glass, so putting the legs of your baby’s crib in glass bottles will help prevent scorpions from getting into the blankets. You should also get a scorpion bed shield to hang over all of the beds in your home to catch scorpions that might fall from the ceiling.

It is important to note that bark scorpions do not aggressively seek out humans to attack them. In most cases, bark scorpions have had their desert homes disrupted by man’s development and the easiest place for the scorpions to go is into a home. If you are vigilant, you can significantly reduce the possibility of a scorpion attack in your home. With scorpions out early in Phoenix this year, being on guard is the best defense residents have from this dangerous pest.

Scorpions Are Out Early in Arizona

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Is DIY Pest Control Really A Good Idea?

One of the first reactions people have when they see bugs or other pests is to take care of the problem themselves. A little over-the-counter pest control solution in a can, and the problem should just go away. Right? The pest control Scottsdale residents need doesn’t come from a can. The wide variety of Arizona pests that can infiltrate a home or business means that it takes an expert to properly stop the infestation, and make sure it doesn’t happen again.

If you try DIY pest control, then you are opening yourself up to several dangerous possibilities that professionals are trained to avoid. The affordable pest control Phoenix residents need from a business can get right to the heart of the problem, and get rid of the pests without any injuries to you and your family or damage to your property.

Why Do People Go the “DIY Pest Control” Route

The simple reason why people try their own versions of pest control is to save money on having professionals do it. But the truth is that the potential injuries and property damage that could be caused by doing pest control yourself will cost a lot more than bringing in someone who knows what they are doing.

Homeowners that see pests either feel like a simple spray can of some unknown substance will do the trick, or they feel as though the pest presents a creative challenge by forcing the homeowner to come up with a solution. What homeowners fail to remember is that many of the pests found in Arizona can be extremely dangerous to humans, and attempting to get rid of them by yourself is inviting a whole list of problems that could become extremely uncomfortable and expensive.

Pest Identification

Some scorpions are dangerous to humans, some are not. Black widow spiders often require a different type of extermination method than many of the other common spiders found in Arizona. If you want to be able to get rid of a pest effectively, then you need to know exactly what type of pest you are looking at.

All bugs are not the same, and there is no universal bug extermination product that truly works on all of them. For larger pests, sometimes it is better to catch and release them into the wild instead of trying to kill them. A professional can immediately identify the types of pests you have, and then use the correct methods to get rid of them.

Solving the Problem

Is killing the pests you find the absolute answer to your problem? What if the pests you see are only straying from the nest that is somewhere in your house? If you kill those pests, you are only taking care of one part of the issue. When you use DIY extermination methods, you have no guarantee that you are actually solving the problem.

A professional knows when to look for a nest, the habits of recurring pests and the solutions to your problems. Instead of guessing for yourself on how to get rid of the bees you keep finding in your home, you need to bring in a professional who will find the nest and take care of the problem completely.

Dangerous Chemicals

Do you really know what is in those spray cans of chemicals you are buying to take care of your pest problem? Could someone in your home be allergic to those chemicals? Professional exterminators are extremely familiar with the chemicals they use, and they can ask the right questions to determine which chemicals are best for your problem.

If you are not an expert in pest extermination, then you may not realize that the chemicals you want to use could damage your home. In those types of instances, other methods need to be used to solve your pest problem. A professional will be able to identify the instances when chemicals are not a good idea, and they will have the experience necessary to use alternate methods to solve your issue.

Preserving Your Property

Is it a wise idea to just start getting rid of the termites you found in your home, or could the structural integrity of your home suffer if you do not handle the problem correctly? Once again, an amateur is not going to be able to answer these types of questions properly, and that can result in serious property damage.

It takes an experienced professional to be able to diagnose a pest problem, and come up with a safe and effective solution. If you want to get rid of pests without causing further damage to your home or your possessions, then it is in your best interests to hire a professional and make sure the job gets done right.

There are a lot of elements to consider when you find a pest infestation in your home or office. Is your family allergic to the sting or bite of that pest? Will the chemicals you have in mind actually work on getting rid of the problem? Will your DIY ideas of pest control do more harm than good to your property and the people in it?

Instead of taking chances, you need to strongly consider hiring an affordable pest control professional. The professional will take care of the problem immediately without creating bigger problems that could cost you even more to take care of.

Is DIY Pest Control Really A Good Idea?

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Pests Don’t Belong on a Baseball Field

When the cool March air starts to give way to the subtle warm aura of April, it is obvious that spring is in the air. When springtime shows up, it means that the world is ready to be renewed, and it also means that it is time for baseball. The great American pastime is right up there with mom and apple pie when it comes to all things American. But there is a pesky side to baseball that teams have to deal with, and especially teams that play in the desert.

Pests Come ALIVE During Spring Training

When fans follow the spring training leagues in Florida and Arizona, they get the statistics from their favorite players and hear about how their teams’ prospects are doing. But the story they never get is the one about how bees seem to make themselves at home while the Boys of Summer are playing their games.

March 2016 was an especially bad year for bees as the Kansas City Royals and Chicago Cubs both had spring training games stopped because of bees. But after years of playing in the desert, the Arizona Diamondbacks surely have the bee issue under control by now, right?

When it comes to keeping the games ‘bee-less’, the Arizona Diamondbacks call on the real Phoenix bee removal experts at Sexton Pest Control. A famous bee incident in April 2014 gave Sexton technicians the chance to show off just how they are able to contain bee problems and allow the guys to play ball.

Pests Don’t Belong on a Baseball Field

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

​Rat Control Tips and Advice

Rats are precisely the same very last thing you have to see in the home all the more in your dining table or perhaps your closet. Don't you only hate it whenever you see one eating food items on your table? Rats are nasty dangerous creatures that can pose hazards to your own health along with your things as well. Eliminating them is the objective of each homeowner. Did you know that rats have poor vision? Yup and they rely mostly on their other senses and they proceed through misunderstanding the services of a their long whiskers and guard hairs on their bodies to guide them.

If you want to trick a rat and capture it, ensure you don't feed it with rotten food or anything it wouldn't like. It's more difficult to believe but rats to get a discriminating taste too. They are very cautious too meaning that they might want to drag food items elsewhere and consume it. Rats to experience a keen sense of smell to find out about food which means that smell of almost any bait can be easily used to ensure it is even better looking to them.

One nice approach to capture a rat is with a wooden snap trap. This is actually the kind we always see in cartoons and movies. Not a lot of people use this type of trap because it is only able to trap one rat during a period and the like just think it's low situated on the humanity scale since it will kill the animal painfully. If you're situated on the gentle side, use any glue board instead. These are made of wood or cardboard and are covered with enormously sticky glue. Each time a rat runs across it, it will earn stuck. How on earth will it die? By either starving endlessly or suffocating. I usually put a bit of bread or some bread crumbs on the glue board so that the rat it can take the bait in no time and this always works!

If you do not need the rats in the home to end up dead (which isn t likely), you can then use these multi-catch trap instead. The one problem is you have to go somewhere else to set them free which means they will land in somebody else's house and even yours again. If you think there are lots of rats in the house or apartment and you've got had this difficulty for a very long time now, you might consider using a pest control service to eliminate the problem completely.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Springtime in Phoenix, AZ Means Common Pests

When springtime arrives in Phoenix, Arizona, the entire metropolitan area seems to come to life after the sleepy winter months. The desert plants start to bloom, there is a fresh scent in the air and the common pests that infest homes and offices start to make their appearance.

Before you call a Phoenix exterminator to help rid your home or office of your pest problem, you can help the extermination professional by being able to identify some of the more basic pests found in the Phoenix metropolitan area. A professional can do a thorough inspection of your property to get an accurate inventory of the pests you are dealing with, and recommend the right actions to take.


One of the first signs of spring throughout Arizona is the sight of bees pollinating flowers. But the Phoenix area is known for its carpenter bees, and these pests can do serious damage to your home. Carpenter bees make their nests in the open and dead areas of just about any kind of wood. If these bees get into the exterior woodwork of your home, then you will need to get rid of them immediately.

Wasps are also known for their springtime activity, and you can usually tell you have a wasp problem when you see small groups of the pests flying near your home. Wasp nests are white in color, which makes them easy to spot. The stings from these insects can be dangerous, especially to children, which makes removing wasps a priority.

Springtime in Phoenix, AZ Means Common Pests

Monday, March 14, 2016

Phoenix Pest Control & Termite Services | Sexton Pest Control 602-942-3653
Pest Control Scottsdale
Sexton Pest Control - (602) 942-3653

Control Pest the Professional Way

Due to harsh climatic conditions in the Southwest, pests and rodents often seek refuge indoors. In Arizona this often leads to an infestation of rodents or other common household pests on residential or commercial properties. Most homeowners and businesses agree with this fact pests are bad for business and annoying to householders.

When the need arises selecting a pest control service provider is of utmost importance. Homes owner and business operations should ensure that they seek quality, and not just price. Many times lower costing services mean reduced control and removal of household pests

Placing ones focus keenly on quality will ensure that you do not end up spending more in the long run. This is especially applicable when shopping around for Arizona pest control companies.


A company that truly values their customers will offer to give their estimates in writing and hold true to them. Many companies will also offer free estimates as well. You should consider getting estimates from more than one company in order to compare and see which company offers a better value for the cost.

Customer Service

How well a company interacts with their clients can be crucial to their success. Any Chandler pest control company should have customer service representatives who are courteous and willing to listen and answer any questions you might have regarding their services. Check out the cities we serve:

Sexton Pest Control
1401 N 29th Ave
Phoenix AZ 85009
(602) 942-3653